Friday, 19 June 2009

Self-employment Aptitude Test

I found this aptitude test (the site calls it an attitude test, which I think is incorrect) while doing research for writing material.

I scored 4 out of 10, which means I'm not made for self-employment!

It's not a bad test but the manner in which the questions are asked leads you to answer one way when you think the other. I think it's still worth taking it just to get you thinking about what you are doing, giving up and risking when trying to become your own boss.

To illustrate how the test is slightly flawed in the way questions are structured,
Q1: I thrive on the input and interaction of others? Yes or No?
I said yes because I thought this means I like working with different people and hearing their opinions, using comments to improve my plans. But 'yes' is not the right answer because according to the testers, it's "Not good. Self-employment means you will need to rely on yourself and not others" I think what the question was really asking is, can you work on your own, without input from others? "Thrive" means "to flourish" - sure I flourish when I interact with others.

It's possible I might be able to handle working alone on a satellite station for a few months, provided there's high speed internet. But that's not the question.

Anyway, I don't intend to criticize the shortcomings of the test/quiz. The points to be made by the questions posed are pertinent.

For instance, I decided to go down this road knowing that I will have to work much harder than I am now as an employee. I accept this as it's for something I believe in and I get to decide my courses of action.

I've decided that if I do start my own business, I will work 70 hours a week, for at least the first 2 years and probably won't have any income for the first year. I'd probably work more if I didn't have my partner to think about.

Anyway, please take the test and share your comments.


  1. Hi there,

    Well, I scored 6 out of 10, and I've been self-employed since 1989.

    I agree with the test's title. That is, it purports to test attitude rather than aptitude. And having not only been self employed but also having coached self employed people for 20 years, several of its premises are weak.

    In my view, the self employed person needs to have exquisitely tuned listening skills. That is, she needs to be able to listen to herself, the market, and her customers and clients in order to package and present her offers in a compelling way.

  2. Thanks for trying out the test and sharing your thoughts, shaboom!
