Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Self Employment Through Blogging?

Problogger and Copyblogger, two prominent blogging advice sites insist it's possible to make good money through blogging. Some self employment articles (not the 2 mentioned previously) even suggest that you think up a niche subject a week and create a blog for it. In one year you will be able to generate substantial AdSense revenue from 52 websites. Call me cynical, but that's just another 'too good to be true' claim. It takes effort to write good material just for one blog, I can't imagine how someone can do that for 52.

I'm relatively new to blogging but so far the experience has been very exciting. My self employment ideas blog launched on 7 June 2009. Yesterday, on 23 June 2009, I found the site just got listed at no.22 for search phrase "self employment ideas". Not bad for 16 days and not even using my own privately registered domain. (Personally I find blogspot adequate and very user friendly)

I don't know much about SEO, but I was advised that I should post often and make sure my blog posts have appropriate tittles. Content is important so I've been trying to write good articles that try to solve people's problems. In this case, provide self employment and business ideas to anyone who searching for it.

(Seasoned bloggers out there must be laughing at me for being all excited about getting onto the 3rd page of a Google search result)

I admit that I have earned only a few bucks from AdSense, but that's no surprise considering I don't yet have many visitors.

I'm not sure if I'll get to page 1 for "self employment ideas"anytime soon, but the point is, I've realised an internet-based self employment or business idea can be practical and feasible. The outlay investment is relatively low and people looking to be self employed should look to the net for opportunities. Just don't expect to earn megabucks while sitting back like some claim you can.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm am wondering, would the blog list better if it provided what people search for when they enter into google "self-employment ideas".

    when people enter that phrase, are they searching for actual business ideas? e.g. selling on ebay, cake business, selling dvds, providing writing services etc... that kind of stuff. or are they searching for general ideas like, increasing profitability, cash flow management etc? I think the first one would provide better results.

    it would help if you posted on that specific topic as much as you can or had a link somewhere that takes you straight to the key content. reading through some of the blog, it looks more like a diary of your journey (which is really interesting, and I am enjoying reading it) though i think you might be better off to have 2 blogs. one about your ventures, and another one purely for self-employment ideas.

    any way I wrote way too much for a comment lol. but feel free to get in touch to chat some more.

    like they would expect to find business ideas of what to do as self employed or
