Saturday, 4 July 2009

Self Employment Advice From My Friend - An Actor

I recently got in contact via Facebook with a self employed old friend, who is now a successful actor and household name in Malaysia. Since I want to become self employed, I didn't miss the opportunity to ask him for some advice and ideas about going down the self employment route.

He was really nice, writing me a detailed and thoughtful message about his experience. It's widely accepted that making it as an actor is one of the toughest careers, let alone a self employment idea, but he's made it. He's been in the business for about 7 years.

His advice on self employment is so sound and insightful, I think he should write a blog about his experience making it as an actor!

Basically what he's told me is:
  • The first year was unpredictable, really hard and demoralising!
  • Get help, but find the right person to support you. In his case, he only found an agent and manager worth sticking with in his fourth year.
  • Learn to appreciate and enjoy unpredictability when in a self employed capacity.
  • Building relationships are important when you are self employed. You will rely on this for finding work and discovering opportunities.
  • Be willing to adapt and change. Self employment involves a lot of learning from mistakes.

I'm beginning to feel hopeful again that this will really work - the self employment part. As for the idea part, I'm of two minds now - shall I go into sustainability consulting or shall I open a cafe?

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