Friday, 25 September 2009

Self Employment Freebie: 30-day Trial Online Shop

I've just received this offer from the site I buy my domains names from (I bought 3 this year) and thought I'd share it with you.

123 Reg is offering their e-commerce package - which they claim has "everything you need to create an online shop and sell on the internet" - free for 30 days. The company is pretty reliable and reputable so I am confident in forwarding the link.$ja=tsid:13896

It's been estimated by 2012, £1 out of every £12 spent in the UK will be spent online. This figure is of course going to be even higher in the US. If you are thinking of self-employment through e-commerce or selling online, why not give it a try? My advice is to use the free trial period for 30 days to set up a very simple online store, get a feel of things and then cancel once the trial period is up if you think you'd like to give things a bit more thought.

As I've always advocated on this blog, self-employment ideas should come from experimenting and learning so use every opportunity you can. The costs involved, even if you don't already have a registered domain name or dedicated hosting, are relatively low compared to the learning and exposure you will get from the process.

All the best and good luck!

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